Have you heard that stress is a “silent killer”?  There is some truth to that.  Stress is a serious health problem that affects so many.  It is a result of psychological threats.  What do I mean by that?  Stress is how our body responds to things that threaten our well-being.  For example, losing your job, preparing for a big career move, a big project, relationship problems, family conflict, health issues or grief and loss.  Chronic stress can exacerbate existing medical conditions or contribute to medical conditions such as chronic pain, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and heart attack. 


Signs and Symptoms of Stress

Stress can cause physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms. 

Physical signs and symptoms of stress may include:

  • Sleep difficulties

  • Fatigue or tiredness

  • Pain

  • Acne and skin conditions

  • Digestive issues

  • Headaches

Mental signs and symptoms of stress may include:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Death thoughts

  • Food & eating issues

  • Addictions 

  • compulsions

  • Substance use or abuse

Emotional signs and symptoms of stress may include:

  • Overwhelm

  • Sadness

  • Irritability

  • Hopelessness

  • Apathy

  • Anger


Addressing Stress In Therapy

In order to help you alleviate the stress that you are encountering, I will use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).  CBT is an effective therapy modality that is often used for stress management and reduction. CBT will be used to help you think differently about stressful events. It will change the negative thoughts that are triggered by stressful situations. Therefore, the new thinking patterns brought on by CBT will help you reduce stressors.

How does treatment for Stress work at On the Mark Concierge Therapy?

Therapy and Counseling here at On the Mark Concierge Therapy starts with a 50-minute consultation to determine the best course of action. ‍ In these fifty minutes, we will ask some imperative questions to decide the nature of the issue and the treatment approach needed. We will also get to know you and your personality better.

At On the Mark Concierge Therapy, we will share with you the anticipated length of treatment and suggest any additional therapies or services you may need as a celebrity with a partner.

Each session will be 50-minutes thereafter. You can look at the cost here.

Get started with treatment for stress today!

‍Fill out our contact form to have a therapist reach out to you with more information.

If you have questions about our costs, feel free to check out our services and pricing here.

Let us help you with your life changes.